Webbplatsintroduktion:Somos una comunidad centrada en las actividades de información, música, entretenimiento y deportes, que cuenta con más de 4 millones de auditores cada día , más de 70 millones de page views en nuestras plataformas, 24 millones de usuarios únicos, y más de 13 millones de seguidores en nuestras redes sociales y una posición de liderazgo en Chile
Gemensamma verktyg:whois Översätt Indexsökning Verktyg för webbansvariga
Webbplatsintroduktion:An Environmental Management Capacity Building Technical Assistance Project :- sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, For web site: https://www.icpeenvis.nic.in
Our Objectives
To encourage, promote and support upgradation of the plastic waste management and plastic industry technologically and environmentally.
To project Indian Plastic industry as environment conscious, socially responsible in all its acts, be it manufacturing, marketing or recycling of plastic waste.
To inform, create awareness among the public at large on the importance of the right way of disposing plastic waste, the need for stopping the habit of littering and to impress on them that life without plastic is unimaginable and therefore we should act responsibly in the disposal of used plastics.
To work closely with the Central, State and local administration in plastic waste management on behalf of the plastic industry in matters of legislation, creating infrastructure and facilitating in keeping the environment clean.
Develop and encourage standards/ specifications / guidelines for plastic waste / recyclates for applications in various products.
Sponsor/ undertake R & D work in the area of plastics in general, and plastics waste management in particular.
Develop and encourage codification system for assisting recycling in critical and non-critical applications.
Collect, collate, publish and disseminate statistical data and technical information on Plastic waste industry / Plastic Industry.
Circulate information relating to Plastics Waste Industry / Plastics Industry for the benefit of manufacturers, consumers and regulatory bodies.
Establish / maintain contacts / liaison and exchange information with similar bodies globally in the field of Environmental Issues and strategies in respect of Plastics Waste Management / Plastic Industry.
nyckelord:Govt,gov,India,glass, coated paper,tetra packs, bricks, bacteria,envis,centre,node,lumber,food,leaves,ragpicker, Ministry, MOEF,carry bags,films, mats, plastics,Industry,Muncipal,NGO,rubber,footwear,metal,cans,garbage,mortar,dumped,sewer,choke,management,binswet,civic, school,atomic,polymers,toothbrush,nylon,comb,carpet, Vinyl,blood bags,FDA
Gemensamma verktyg:whois Översätt Indexsökning Verktyg för webbansvariga
Webbplatsintroduktion:Tapers a domicilio para toda la semana. Disfruta de los tapers elaborados por Tupy. Tus tapers semanales. Tuppers a domicilio en Madrid
nyckelord:comida a domicilio, comidas para llevar, comida casera, comida preparada, comidas caseras para llevar
Gemensamma verktyg:whois Översätt Indexsökning Verktyg för webbansvariga
Webbplatsintroduktion:Vokální kvartet s dlouholetou tradicí. Hudebnímu publiku u nás i v zahraničí zpívá od roku 2000. Oceněn na několika mezinárodních hudebních soutěžích. Spolupracoval na mediálních projektech. Pro své stálé publikum pořádá tradiční koncerty v Praze.
nyckelord:Komorní sbor Tomáše Votavy, pěvecký kvartet, vokální kvartet, Tomáš Votava
Gemensamma verktyg:whois Översätt Indexsökning Verktyg för webbansvariga